There are many things that people are embarrassed to talk about even to their closest friends. However, there is no such need. But find out what are the most common secrets in which beautiful ladies are not recognized for any haircutsalways interesting. So, let's begin!

Using scissors instead of razors

It often happens that time is simply not enough, and the procedure for getting rid of excess vegetation needs to be done. What then to do? Right. Grasp the scissors. Only to anyone - under no pretext! - do not talk about it.

Rare wash of bra

I must admit: every woman at least once sinned. Namely, she was washing her bra at that moment when he started to publish a persistent aroma. What to do - busy life sometimes does not even leave time for hygiene. But about this - ts-ss!

Using regular toilet paper instead of sanitary pads

Both convenient and inexpensive. Having tried it once, many ladies do not disdain to use this method on an ongoing basis.


Even if a woman boasts of her heroic diet for years, don't believe her. At least once, but she violated her vows of harmony: ate to the heap full of chocolate, cakes or sweets.

The use of dry shampoo on an ongoing basis

Yes, sometimes this auxiliary tool becomes for the ladies the main, turning into a best friend. When you don’t have enough strength even to reach the bed - dry shampoo seems to be the best solution, replacing regular shampooing. But we won’t tell anyone about it, right?

Wash brushes? Sure. But not more than once a year

A rare wash of makeup brushes - Another sin that no woman has escaped. There are just a lot of things to do now; or the boyfriend is to blame; or retrograde Mercury ... however, it doesn’t matter.

Eat cheese like a hungry dog ​​- right from the packaging

Yes, it is possible that men believe that girls eat divine ragweed from a teaspoon. But sometimes hunger turns beautiful ladies into hungry mutts.

Biting nails

How many times have we all done this, dear ladies. But this actually allows you to relieve stress a little, isn't it?

Do not wash your face for more than a day

And who needs to wash every day? Moreover, water flushes oils from the surface of the skin. In general, this is an ungrateful occupation; and every lady at least once, but went to work, not even washing herself in the morning.

Eat the fallen pieces

It's a pity it's a cake. Or a piece of chocolate. Be that as it may, each lifted food from the floor and ate it.

And do you think these “secrets” are true? And is it so scary to eat a slice of cheese in one sitting or use a not-so-clean makeup brush? Share in the comments.