Pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce is a fragrant and hearty dish with an Italian note, the preparation of which will not take much time. Due to the large number of variations, each hostess will find her favorite combination of ingredients and tastes in the Italian style.

Classic pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauceTo execute a classic recipe, you need a minimum of products:

• spaghetti - 1 pack;
• champignons - ½ kg;
• cream - ½ liter;
• cheese 250 g;
• salt - to taste.

Stages of preparation:

1. The paste is boiled and laid out on a separate plate.
2. Shredded mushrooms are passivated in the pan, to which, after acquiring a golden hue, the milk product is poured.
3. When the dressing reaches a boil, grated cheese is added to the contents.
4. The sauce is boiled for 2 minutes and combined with the paste, which must be warmed before serving.

With champignons and chicken

A quick dish with a delicate taste is created from:

• 100 g of pasta;
• 100 g of mushrooms;
• a similar amount of chicken;
• ½ onion;
• 100 ml cream;
• ½ glasses of vegetable oil;
• salt, pepper and 15 g flour.

The way to implement the recipe:

one.Macaroni is cooked to the state of "al dente" and washed.
2. Onions, mushrooms and meat are cut into small pieces, which are sautéed in sunflower oil in the same sequence.
3. When everything is in the pan, flour is poured into the frying pan and the cream is poured.
4. After 5 minutes, pasta is sent to the cream dressing.

With porcini mushrooms

A dish of Italian cuisine with an unsurpassed aroma will be a wonderful dinner for the whole family.

For preparation are required:

• porcini mushrooms - 400 g;
• spaghetti - 360 g;
• olive oil - a stack;
• white dry wine - the same amount;
• garlic - 2 cloves;
• cream - ½ liter;
• shallots - 1 pc.;
• Parmesan cheese - 1 slice;
• salt and pepper - to taste.


1. Vegetables are finely chopped and then passerized in olive oil until the onion cubes are transparent.
2. Chopped mushrooms are sent to the vegetables in a pan.
3. After 7 minutes, the wine is poured and the mushrooms are stewed over low heat.
4. When the liquid volume is halved, a dairy product is poured into it, salt and pepper are added.
5. After thickening the creamy sauce, pre-cooked spaghetti are laid out in it.
6. Before tasting, the paste is decorated with cheese chips.

Mushroom pasta in cream cheese sauce

Pasta with a gentle creamy cheese sauce is an excellent variation of Italian cuisine, for the preparation of which it is enough to take:
• 130 g of spaghetti;
• twice as many champignons;
• onion;
• a pack of cream cheese;
• 2 cloves of garlic;
• 200 ml cream;
• salt.

Basic cooking steps:

1. Spaghetti are cooked to the state of "al dente", washed and laid out in a separate plate.
2. The onion is chopped and sautéed in a skillet until transparent, after which plate of mushrooms and crushed garlic are added to the vegetable.
3. When the frying is ready, the contents of the pan are poured with a dairy product, salted and pepper.
4. Cheese cubes are laid out in a boiled fill.
5. After thorough mixing, when the sauce becomes homogeneous, finished pasta is laid out in the pan.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce is quickly and simply cooked using a slow cooker. You will need a set of such products:
• mushrooms - 500 g;
• spaghetti - 300 g;
• butter - 75 g;
• garlic - ½ head;
• water - 1 l;
• cream - 250 ml;
• Parmesan cheese - a slice;
• salt and pepper - to taste.

In preparation, we follow the algorithm:

1. Water is poured into the bowl and the crock-pot is set for 25 minutes in the Multi-Cook mode.
2. After 15 minutes, spaghetti are laid out in boiled and salted water, which are boiled until a sound signal and washed.
3. Next, in the "Frying" mode, minced garlic is fried for a minute, to which plates of mushrooms are immediately added.
4. After 5 minutes, the mushrooms are poured with cream, crushed with grated Parmesan and mixed with prepared pasta.

Mushroom pasta casserole with cream sauce

This is a simple dish that you can feed all family members. Prepare in advance:
• 500 g of spaghetti;
• 450 g of champignons;
• onion;
• 2 tomatoes;
• 30 g butter;
• 200 g of cheese;
• 2 cloves of garlic;
• ½ liter of milk;
• some flour, salt, pepper and olive oil.

To taste a delicious dish, the following actions are performed:

1. Pasta is boiled according to the instructions.
2. Onions, garlic and mushrooms are cut into small pieces, and then fried in olive oil.
3. When liquid evaporates from the mass, peeled and chopped tomatoes are sent to the pan.
4. The contents are salted, peppered and stewed for 10 minutes.
5. In another stewpan, butter is melted, into which flour is first placed, and then milk is poured and half of the grated cheese is laid out.
6. The pouring is brought to a boil, and after thickening is mixed with pasta.
7.Half the pasta is laid out in the baking dish, then the mushroom mass and the second half of the pasta.
8. The dish is crushed with cheese and leaves for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.

Tasty recipe:pasta with cheese - recipe

With shrimps

An unusual dish with the addition of seafood will conquer with novelty and originality.

To execute the recipe, take:

• 450 g of spaghetti;
• a little less shrimp;
• 250 g of champignons;
• 150 g butter;
• the same amount of cheese;
• 3 cloves of garlic;
• half a bunch of parsley and basil;
• 100 ml of cream and water;
• salt.

To cook spaghetti with mushrooms and shrimp:

1. The paste is boiled to the finished state, as indicated in the instructions.
2. Shrimp are boiled in salted, boiling water for about 2 minutes and immediately removed with a slotted spoon.
3. Plates are prepared from champignons, which are fried on a piece of butter.
4. Then, instead of mushrooms, garlic halves are passaged in the same oil.
5. Slices of cheese and chopped greens are sent to the garlic, which are poured with boiling water and a dairy product.
6. Mushroom plates and peeled shrimps are laid out in the filling, after which the mass is salted, peppered and combined with the boiled paste.

Pasta in creamy sauce with canned mushrooms

If a jar of canned champignons was found in the refrigerator, then you can prepare a paste with a spicy taste, additionally taking:
• 250 g of spaghetti;
• 500 ml cream;
• onion;
• 2 cloves of garlic;
• 30 ml sour cream;
• a small amount of basil and cheese;
• salt and spices.

To bring the recipe to life:

1. Spaghetti boiled.
2. Chopped onions and garlic are fried with mushrooms until the liquid evaporates.
3. Ready spaghetti and sour cream are laid out in the pan, after which its contents are filled with cream.
4. The dish is seasoned, salted and crushed with cheese.

It is interesting:minced pasta recipe

Thus, to enjoy a dish of Italian cuisine, you can simply cook it at home from a simple food set, which can easily be found in the kitchen. Made with love and quality products, it will definitely give odds to restaurant performance!