Sharp knives in a dream most often turn out to be a symbol of violent passions, emotions. The exact meaning of the plot depends on its details. When figuring out what the knife is dreaming about, you need to consider the dreamer's gender, his mood in night dreams, and many other factors.

What does the knife dream of - decoding in dream books

In Freud's dream book, a knife lying on the table is a symbol of fear of new acquaintances in a sleeping person. The reason for this, most likely, are past human errors. Once he had already “burned himself”, and now he is warning himself of pain in every possible way.

If a familiar dreamer picks up a knife and at the same time carefully looks at him, it means that a man or woman in real life behaves too aggressively and bluntly expresses an opinion about which he was not asked. It is necessary to reconsider your manner of communication, to become more correct and restrained.

  • Miller suggests that a very beautiful knife portends a dreamer a gift. First, the person will be pleased with the present, but soon he will understand that the gift is not so simple - you should expect a trick.
  • A sharp polished knife symbolizes impending anxieties.
  • Broken edged weapons promise conflicts with family members or warns of the activation of enemies.

Vanga notes: if in a dream you had to cut your hand in the process of preparing dinner for all home, then the latter are trying to curb the nature of the sleeping person. But the attack of a stranger with edged weapons promises the dreamer pleasant changes in his personal life.

Did the man himself stab someone and the blade got stained with blood? In real life, the dreamer will be harassed for a long time. Their main cause will be the mistakes of their ancestors.

Kill a person in a dream with a knife

Interesting that to kill a person with a knife in a dream is a good sign. He never portends a person anything bad. For example, killing a stranger with a knife, after which the sleeper felt joy and / or relief, promises him an improvement in his financial situation. A man or woman will finally gain financial independence, ideal conditions will be created for this.

  • Killing an enemy with a knife in night dreams portends victory over him in real life. The more serious the fight in a dream, the harder it will be to cope with troubles in reality.
  • Killing a friend in a dream is to stop all communication with this person.
  • If in her dream a girl kills a man for the sake of self-defense, then in reality she will have to go alone to her goals. Help from outside should not be expected. But at the same time, the chances of making the dreams of the fair sex are very high even without the advice and support of others.
  • Killing a spouse with a knife promises Italian passions in waking family life. Ahead of the couple awaits a lot of quarrels, conflicts, but they will all end in a stormy sweet reconciliation.

But suicide with a knife suggests that in reality a man or woman dreams of a radical change in his life.

Attack with a knife

If you dream of an attack with a knife that happened unexpectedly in the dark, in reality a serious moral blow will be inflicted on a person. He will face villainy, deceit and / or betrayal.

The ambush attack is a dream that you need to behave more carefully and carefully. Especially on the road. There is a high probability that ill-wishers have prepared for the sleeping unpleasant surprise.

It happens that in his dream a person with fear watches an attack with a cold weapon from the side.

Sleeping such a plot may portend surgical intervention in reality.

This interpretation is especially relevant for unhealthy people.

Does the dreamer himself attack the stranger with a knife and injure him? In reality, a person will do a low deed, but quickly repent of it. To wound oneself with a sharp blade - to the desire to free oneself from responsibility, memories and various negative thoughts.

Stab wound

Had a stab wound? It is necessary to postpone all cases designed for financial profit until later - such a plot is considered a harbinger of major material losses.

A knife wound, which hurts a person even in a dream, portends him worsening health. Sleeping will overtake a serious ailment. Protect yourself from injury and take action against the disease during the epidemic season.

What is the dream of the knife in the hand?

If the knife in the dream was in the dreamer's hands, it means that he is very hostile to people around him. Most likely, there are no apparent reasons for this.

  • In a dream, a man holds a cold weapon in his right hand? He is awaiting major quarrels with those around him. As a result of a protracted conflict, a man or woman may lose his own property.
  • If a dreamer holds a knife with a point in the direction of some acquaintance, this is a clear sign that in reality there is a difficult psychological situation around him. A person feels like a victim and is constantly suffering from causeless attacks, evil jokes, criticism and prejudice.

A huge cleaver in the hand suggests that the sleeper tends to exaggerate the seriousness and magnitude of the problems. The shoemaking tool promises sadness and tears.

Knife something in a dream

If in a dream a woman or a man with a knife cuts an object, you need to try to remember what exactly:

  • Grinding raw fresh meat is a futile effort. The sleeper will never succeed in reaching his goal, no matter how hard he tries.
  • Cutting fried meat - to the successful completion of all affairs. This interpretation is especially relevant for businessmen.
  • Trying to cut wooden objects with a long knife - to negative emotions in reality.
  • To wield a small kitchen knife, grinding very hard objects - to the inability to convince the dreamer of his rightness.

Buy, accept a knife as a gift

Buying a very beautiful original weapon in a dream is a sign that in reality a man or woman seeks to control everything.

If in a relationship with his soulmate, the sleeping person has problems, most likely the reason is precisely in his particularity.

  • I managed to buy a knife decorated with precious stones very cheaply, in a dream - to receive a large inheritance in the very near future.
  • Take cold steel as a gift - to conclude a peace with ill-wishers.
  • To get such a present from loved ones is a disappointment in them.
  • Giving someone a whole set of knives - to be separated from the person who took the gift.

Many knives

Knives in large numbers, appearing in night dreams, suggest that a person needs to be careful not only in words, but also in deeds. If sharp objects are simply piled on the floor in a large pile, it means that in the near future the dreamer will experience a strong offense.

For a woman, many knives from sleep symbolize temptations. If the fair sex will follow them, this will lead to very dangerous consequences.

A large number of blunt knives indicates that soon a man or woman will have to worry a lot about their loved ones.

Broken knife

Broken edged weapons can be both a positive and a negative sign from a dream. If a knife breaks off a knife, soon a person will have health problems or painful experiences associated with the past.

Give a sleeping person a broken, rusty item? He does not enjoy authority among familiar people. The main reason for this attitude to the dreamer is his disrespectful attitude to others and frequent unreasonable aggression.

Repairing a broken knife in a dream portends the restoration of close relations with a friend from the past or a relative with whom a sleeping quarrel has divorced.

See a knife lying on a table on the floor

The interpretation of sleep even depends on where the knife was located. Well, if he was at the head of the sleeping bed. This means that a person expects great happiness.

If the knife lies on a table in a dream, such a plot suggests that the sleeping person has closed in his “shell” - avoids meeting new people and even minimizes communication with old friends. You need to try to figure out the reasons for this behavior.

Was the blade on the floor? Sleep encourages a man or a representative of the fair sex to become more economical. If the sleeper does not heed the hint from night dreams, he may find himself in a difficult financial situation.