Rashes are always a sign of a malfunction in the internal workings of the body. A hemorrhagic rash can occur in various diseases, so it’s highly not recommended to be involved in the diagnosis. Only a specialist can understand the causes of red dots and spots under the skin.

What is a hemorrhagic rash and what types?

In medicine, such rashes have their professional name - purpura. This is a pathology due to which the skin inside is painted in different shades of burgundy, red, brown, purple. Externally, the rash can take the form of small or large dots, blurry spots, streaks or smudges. Rashes occur because immunity, due to a failure, perceives its own blood vessel cells as foreign and begins to produce antibodies that deform their walls. As a result, blood seeps under the skin due to the thinning walls of the capillaries.

There are several types of purpura:

  • hemorrhagic;
  • thrombocytopenic;
  • medication;
  • immune
  • rheumatoid.

Hemorrhagic rash, as one of the types of purpura, according to the nature of distribution is divided into two categories:

  • primary - rashes form on previously healthy skin in the form of spots, dots, nodules, vesicles, seals;
  • secondary - a rash occurs against the background of primary rashes and is often accompanied by further skin damage.

The appearance of the lesions and their sizes help determine the degree of damage:

  • petechiae are small round dots of red and brown shades;
  • purpura - numerous subcutaneous spots, ranging in size from 2 mm to 1 cm (most often they have a rich purple hue and can merge with each other, forming huge spots on the skin);
  • ecchymoses are large, shapeless spots ranging in size from 0.5 cm to 2-3 cm (they gradually blur and form a large area of ​​affected skin of pink or dark purple color with necrotic ulcers).

In the latter case, necrosis of the skin can transform into gangrene.

Most often, rashes are localized on the lower extremities - hips, knees, calves. A rash on the face requires special attention from doctors, since the brain is very close by. The patient is shown only treatment in a hospital.

Causes of Adult

The causes of hemorrhagic rash can be different:

  • unbalanced diet, frequent use of junk food;
  • passion for alcohol;
  • side effect of taking some potent medicines;
  • the effect of chemicals;
  • insect bites (ticks);
  • injuries of various kinds;
  • penetration into the body of an infection - meningococci, causative agents of scarlet fever, malaria, typhoid fever, plague and anthrax.

The hereditary factor is also of great importance. If there were people in the family suffering from hemophilia - chronic bleeding, then the likelihood of purpura is very high. With hemophilia, subcutaneous hematomas often appear, and any, even the most insignificant, trauma can cause extensive internal and external bleeding.

In adults, such rashes often appear due to liver damage, since normal blood clotting is disrupted.

If the immunity is weak, a rash can easily occur against the background of hypothermia, burns as a side effect of vaccinations.

Features of rashes in children

In preschool children, such rashes often appear due to a hidden vascular pathology. In older age, the cause can be infectious diseases or even a commonplace cold.

Hemorrhagic rash in children in most cases is a sign of such diseases:

  • von Willebrand disease.
  • purpura
  • vasculitis.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis most often affects children from 4 to 12 years old. It can be provoked by such infectious diseases as tonsillitis, scarlet fever or even the usual SARS. In these cases, the first alarming signs appear within 7-30 days after recovery. Symptoms of the disease can be divided into several types - syndromes depending on the localization of signs.

Outwardly, the disease manifests itself on the skin with numerous small-sized hemorrhages localized on the joints of the legs, hands, feet, hips, trunk and face.

Often the child’s appetite disappears, he vomits, the temperature rises, he complains of constant headaches, unpleasant sensations in the joints and fatigue. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that hemorrhagic spots appear not only on the outside, but also on the internal organs.

Abdominal syndrome appears due to hemorrhage in the intestines and other organs of the abdominal cavity. Signs:

  • pallor of the face;
  • abdominal pain, most in the umbilical region;
  • vomiting with blood;
  • loose stools with bloody spots;
  • dry mouth.

The patient is very anxious, constantly rushing about on the bed, prefers to lie on his side.

Renal syndrome is characterized by an increase in blood pressure, swelling, and an admixture of blood in the urine.

Anemic syndrome always occurs as a result of a sharp decrease in hemoglobin levels.

The patient complains of the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • flickering spots and circles in front of the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • shortness of breath and tachycardia with the slightest effort;
  • chest pain.

In severe cases, the patient can constantly lose consciousness.

In cases of mild to moderate rashes quickly come to naught. Severe forms of the disease are treated long and difficult.

Symptoms of Purpura

In the vast majority of cases, the appearance of a hemorrhagic rash on the legs, upper limbs and other parts of the body is not accompanied by discomfort. Rashes rarely itch and almost do not interfere with the patient. If they are pressed down, they do not change their original appearance. Their number is directly related to the degree and cause of the pathology.

Symptoms largely depend on the type of course of the disease:

  1. Sometimes rashes form one area and acquire a characteristic red tint. This indicates the destruction of red blood cells, as a result of which a substance with an iron content - hemoglobin - begins to be released.
  2. With an excess of toxic substances in the liver, patients complain of severe itching. Rashes have a characteristic appearance - many small red dots.
  3. In typhoid fever, the rash is necessarily accompanied by bloating, weakness, headaches, swelling of the tongue and its lining.
  4. When a tick bites, capillary hemorrhage is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature.
  5. A characteristic sign of a meningococcal lesion is a rash with necrosis in the center, sometimes blood can even come out. Visually, such rashes resemble ink blots, splashes or stars. In such cases, urgent hospitalization is required.

Of the remaining symptoms, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, and inflammatory processes in the joints are worth mentioning.

Healing process

In any case, treatment is aimed at eliminating the main cause of the rash, therefore it is very important to correctly diagnose the primary disease. In the absence of adequate treatment, the patient may develop life-threatening complications in a short period of time - internal hemorrhages, renal failure, liver damage, and even gangrene.

Drug therapy

As a rule, the doctor prescribes drugs depending on the diagnosis:

  • infectious diseases - antibacterial agents;
  • congenital pathologies - hormonal drugs;
  • weakening of immunity - immunosuppressants.

As a supplement, medications are often prescribed that saturate the blood with the necessary elements, kill pathogenic microbes and have a beneficial effect on coagulation.

With congenital vascular pathologies, the use of medications is required constantly.


Plasmapheresis is a treatment method in which, using modern equipment, blood is taken, cleaned of inadequate components and returned. During the procedure, blood plasma is removed along with the components that cause the inflammatory process. The method is considered very effective, but for a short time. It is impossible to replace them with medication, so the method is used only in extreme cases.


The presence of a rash requires nutritional adjustment. For each patient, the doctor is obliged to give specific advice regarding the daily diet.

General rules are as follows:

  • reduction in protein-rich foods;
  • a ban on all allergens, flavors and dyes;
  • fractional nutrition in small portions;
  • limiting salt intake;
  • no hunger strikes;
  • the best cooking method is cooking.

But even after treatment and recovery, pigmentation may remain on the skin - the effects of a rash. These are trifles, since in the case of unqualified or untimely treatment, really dangerous diseases arise - pulmonary bleeding, diathesis, intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, various malfunctions in the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, bone marrow damage, which can lead to fatal the outcome.

Hormone treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, since an increase in their level is accompanied by various disorders - exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis, insomnia, increased blood pressure, osteoporosis, obesity, fluid retention and edema.

To control treatment, it is necessary to take tests from time to time.Lifestyle changes, diet, smoking cessation, alcohol and scrupulous implementation of specialist recommendations help to get closer to recovery faster.